From ecotourism to the discovery of the depths of Burkina Faso.

10 days and 9 nights to discover Bobo-Dioulasso, Banfora, Gaoua, Diébougou, Léo and Ouagadougou

Dômes de Fabedougou

This tour will take us to the discovery of the former colonial capital of Upper Volta, Bobo-Dioulasso. Bobo is nowadays the economic capital of Burkina Faso and the second-largest city in terms of population after Ouagadougou. Baptized thus by the colonists, Bobo-Dioulasso is located in the southwest of Burkina Faso and means “the house of Bobo-Dioula”. The western area around Bobo-Dioulasso is above all that of cultural tourism, vacationing and traditions. You will discover wonderful tourist sites, waterfalls, bodies of water, mountains and breathtaking landscapes.

Day 1: Hexagon - Ouagadougou

Le transport aérien

Welcome by our correspondent at the International airport, transfer to the hotel in Ouagadougou, installation, dinner and overnight stay.

Day 2: Ouagadougou - Bobo Diolasso (356 km)

Mare aux crocodiles sacrés

Early wake-up, departure for the land of Bobos in the economic capital, stopover in the village of Sabou which is famous for its sacred caimans, lunch on the way and onward journey, arrival and installation at the hotel, dinner and overnight stay.

Day 3: Bobo Diolasso

Lac sacré de Dafra
Breakfast and discovery of the economic capital, visit of the central market, visit of the Craftsmen district, visit of the Sogossira Sanon municipal museum, visit of the sacred lake of Dafra (catfish pond), visit of the Mosque of Dioulassoba, meeting and sharing with the bobo ethnic groups, visit of the Mausoleum of Princess Guimbi Ouattara, return to the hotel, dinner and overnight stay.

Day 4: Bobo Diolasso and surroundings

Mare aux Hippopotames

Breakfast, morning excursion to the Bala Hippopotamus pond, a freshwater lake that is home to hundreds of hippos, return to town, lunch in a restaurant, and afternoon excursion to the Koro village. The Koro village is located on a rocky hill 10 km from the city, its population consists mainly of the Bobo, Dioula, Peulh and Bobo-Dioula peoples, the inhabitants are devoted to three main activities: pottery, forge, and agriculture. The magnificent landscape will amaze you, huge granite blocks with a spectacular view, a trekking tour will allow you to savor the wonderful landscape and to admire the sunset, return to town, dinner and overnight at the hotel.

Day 5: Bobo Diolasso - Banfora 86 km

Cascades de banfora

Breakfast and departure for Banfora in the Cascade Region through a cliff landscape, its population is mainly composed of Dioula, Mossi, Sénoufo, Goin, Fulfuldé, Karaboro, Komono, Turka and Tousian, discovery of the breathtaking domes of Fabedougou, real limestone cathedrals carved by erosion, continuation, arrival and installation at the hotel, visit of the Kerfiguela waterfalls fed by the Koba River, visit of the Sindou peaks located about fifty kilometers from Banfora, visit of Lake Tengrela and canoe trip on the lake, return to the hotel, dinner and overnight stay.

Day 6: Banfora - Gaoua 198 km

Ruines de Loropéni

Breakfast, departure for Gaoua, observation along the route of a lush landscape, meeting and sharing in the Senufo villages, discovery of their way of life, visit of the ruins of Loropéni, lunch on the way, visit to the kings’ sanctuary of Gan in Obire, arrival and installation at the hotel, dinner and overnight stay.

Day 7: Gaoua- Kampti 42 km

Musée du Poni

Breakfast, visit of the typical market, visit of the Gaoua museum housing a collection of objects that bear witness to the daily life of the colonial period, excursion to Kampti, discovery of traditional villages in the land of the Lobis, visit of the Caves or Kapou of Kampti, picnic, visit of the old church of Kampti, the Lobis are a predominantly animist people, return to town, dinner and overnight stay.

Day 8: Gaoua - Diebougou - Nabere Reserve 77 km

National park

Early wake up, breakfast, departure for the partial reserve of Nabere, arrival and installation at the Nabéré-Kapo-Dan-Mou-Bougouriba complex, the Bontioli reserve allows the part of the Bougouriba river whose course is permanent to be almost ‘fully protected. All around Diébougou in the Dagara country on the Ghanaian border up to around the Bobo-Ouaga axis, this area of hills and plateaus, covered with sparse forests and savannah, hosts interesting biodiversity including elephants, warthogs and some antelopes. Most of these areas are freely accessible and with the help of a local guide, you can go on foot to meet the fauna, dinner and overnight.

Day 9: Diebougou - Leo - Ouagadougou 307 km

La grotte militaire Guerre Dinge de Diébougou

Breakfast and departure for the Kassena country towards Leo, visit of the military cave, immersion in the Lobi culture, discovery of their traditions and the architecture of fortified huts which are so particular and their way of life, visit of the sacred crocodile pond of Cassou, continuation of the journey to Ouagadougou, which is the capital of the land of upright men, arrival and installation at the hotel, dinner and overnight stay.

Day 10: Ouagadougou - Hexagon

Mare aux crocodiles sacrés

Breakfast, visit of the city of Ouagadougou, excursion to Bazoulé to visit the Sacred Crocodile Pond located about thirty kilometers from the city, return to the city for lunch in a typical restaurant, visit of the Music Museum, transfer to the airport, END OF OUR SERVICES.

Price: 1.429 € / pers. (6 pax)
Price: 1.775 € / pers. (4 pax)
Price: 2.214 € / pers. (2 pax)

This tour includes: 

► Reception and escort by our agent

► Transport and professional driver

► Accommodation in a double room

► Full board meals

► Entrance fees into the attractions

► Toll fees

► Guided tours of all the sites and attractions indicated in the program

► Boats/Canoe rides

This tour does not include:

► International flight fees (Roundtrip)

► Costs related to travel formalities such as visa and immigration charges

► Costs related to travel insurance

► Additional expenses of the tourist such as the purchase of souvenirs

► Alcoholic drinks such as liqueurs, wines, and whiskeys

► Tips and gifts (freewill gestures)

► Costs related to the Camera

Please specify: 

► The exact dates of visit (date of arrival and date of return)

► Flights and airports of arrival

► Group or tourist’s interests to permit tailored modifications of the tour

► Names and information of visitors for bookings

► Food exigencies; diabetes, vegetarian etc

NB : This program can be modified by demand to suit the expectations of the tourist(s)